Our Services



From the future of work , to “doing digital” in healthcare, and the power of asking better questioning, we bring fresh perspectives to your conference, management meeting, or team offsite. We work closely with event organizers to ensure the message is relevant, meaningful, and effective. Our founder, Roshelle Ritzenthaler, has keynoted events including South by Southwest, American Marketing Association, and Chicago Ideas Week.

Workshops & Learning labs

Our Friendly Future Labs are custom-designed to the needs of your organization. Whether in the space of a 1-2 workshop, a week-long retreat, or a tailored learning program, we tap into the deep expertise of our Friendly Future collective to move your initiatives forward—regardless of industry or nature of the challenge. We pay special attention to location, often tapping into nearby natural and inspired settings to shift mindsets from the day to day.  

Reports & Whitepapers

Our commissioned reports have ranged from the latest insights and trends in healthcare, the measured self, innovation team models, the future of work, knowledge work metrics, and more. We bring not only the latest research in trends and publications, but the micro-shifts and indicators that could change the way you think about your value.   


Our broader team has embedded within a variety organizations, catalyzing change from the inside-out. As a collective, we have the business flexibility to custom-design the team to fit the needs of an engagement. Need an expert in a niche field or area of interest? We can bring in the best thinkers in a range of industries including (but no where near limited to…) agro-tech, digital health, longevity economies, designing for relationships, the future of workplace, and more. You name it, we will find the thought leaders you need.